John Hazen

John Hazen

Managing Director, Utilities Intelligence
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John Hazen is Managing Director, Utilities Intelligence at J.D. Power. He is responsible for working with utilities across the United States to help them understand the importance of customer satisfaction and how to improve their customers’ experience.

Mr. Hazen joined J.D. Power in 2008 as director, Voice of the Customer. Prior to that, he was the director of Guest Services at the Disney Internet Group. Previously, he led award-winning call center sites for Saturn, DirecTV and OnStar. He also has international experience in managing offshore teams.

Mr. Hazen earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Western Michigan University.

Expertise & Speaking Topics

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer experience
  • Electric utilities
  • Natural gas utilities
  • Water utilities
  • Call centers
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Where you've read insights from John Hazen

John's insights have been featured in the following publications (and many more):

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